January 10, 2013
What We Are Made Of
Choose Love

by Madisyn Taylor

Make all decisions from pure love and the world will change.
Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things arise. Negative emotions are like sharks swimming in the ocean of love. All things beautiful and fearful, ugly and kind, powerful and small, come into existence, do their thing, and disappear within the context of this great ocean. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated. We are made of this love and live our whole lives at one with it, whether we know it or not.

It is only the illusion that we are separate from this great love that causes us to believe that choosing anything other than love makes sense or is even possible. In the relative, dualistic world of positive and negative, darkness and light, male and female, we make choices and we learn from them. This is exactly what we are meant to be doing here on earth. Underlying these relative choices, though, is the choice to be conscious of what we are, which is love, or to be unconscious of it. When we choose to be conscious of it, we choose love. We will still exist in the relative world of opposites and choices and cause and effect, and we will need to make our way here, but doing so with an awareness that we are all made of this love will enable us to be more playful, more joyful, more loving and wise, as we make our way. Ultimately, the choices we make will shed light on the love that makes us all one, enabling those who have forgotten to return to the source.

This world makes it easy to forget this great love, which is part of why we are here. We are here to remember and, when we forget to remember again, to choose love.

1/10/13 Daily Om

too fucking funny – how to become immortal

was looking up the silly “obese categories” out of curiosity and one website, WiseGEEK (I’m debating the “Wise” part of the site now) had an article in which they write this:

“Super-super obese is the highest level of obesity and poses the most severe health risk. This level encompasses any BMI higher than 60. An individual at this level must make immediate and permanent life changes in order to avoid death.

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. “In order to avoid death”. OMG, that is good. So this is how we are to achieve immortality…thank goddess that question is solved.

Tutus And Tiny Hats

Why am I not surprised that Seventeen is teaming up with the Biggest Loser?

Seventeen and its ilk–as well as their grown-up relatives like Cosmo and Glamour–make millions talking out of both sides of their mouth.

That they regularly spout body-acceptance platitudes while promoting fat stigma is a feature, not a bug, of their business model.

They’ve done it for as long as I can remember, and I doubt it will change: there’s too much money to be made from selling insecurity to teenage girls while placating them with the occasional nod to body acceptance.

If Seventeen truly believed in the “love your body” crap it claims to espouse?

It would probably stop existing, because it would no longer be profitable.

*insert rant about the relationship between capitalism and fat-hatred here*

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Dances With Fat

Think of the childrenI told you last week that Joanne Dolgoff, the doctor in charge of the kids on this season of The Biggest Loser, had reached out and offered to have a telephone call with me about my concerns with having kids on TBL this season.  A couple hours before the scheduled call she cancelled with an e-mail that said:

Something has come up at work and I am unable to do this phone call today.  But in thinking about it further, I think the show itself is the best evidence of our intentions and approach. So I think it’s best if you can tune in to “The Biggest Loser” on January 6 to see that the kid participants on the show will follow an age-appropriate program that emphasizes getting healthy rather than numbers on a scale.  As you’ll see, the kids are handled with great care, support and encouragement to help…

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